Vilija & Tomas
Klaipėdiečiai Vilija ir Tomas labai žavi pora. Po santuokos bažnyčioje nuvažiavome prie pajūrio, kur padarėme puikių nuotraukų. Atvykus į šventimo vietą mūsų laukė staigmena. Pasirodo dingo elektra, kuri vėliau taip ir neatsirado, tad banketas vyko žvakių šviesoje ir visi jautėmės lyg grįžę daug metu į praeitį. Atrodytu ši nelabai maloni staigmena turėjo sugadinti daugelio nuotaiką, bet nepaisant to šventė buvo labai linksma, šilta, gyva ir buvo tikrai labai, labai smagu! :)
Vilija and Tomas are from Klaipeda, the Lithuanian seaside. After the ceremony in the church, we went to the seaside where we took some pictures. When we came to the reception, we vere surprised by the news - there was no electricity. So the celebration took place in the candle lights and everyone felt as if returned to the past. It looked like this tiny incovenience could ruin everyones evening but in fact the celebtarion was extremely wonderful!
Vilija and Tomas are from Klaipeda, the Lithuanian seaside. After the ceremony in the church, we went to the seaside where we took some pictures. When we came to the reception, we vere surprised by the news - there was no electricity. So the celebration took place in the candle lights and everyone felt as if returned to the past. It looked like this tiny incovenience could ruin everyones evening but in fact the celebtarion was extremely wonderful!
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