Alina & Darius
Pristatau jums Alinos ir Dariaus vestuves. Tai labai laiminga, žavi, linksma ir draugiška pora. Beveik visą vestuvių dieną praleidome keliaudami: pradėjome nuo Kauno Aleksoto oro uosto ir tęsėme kelionę Panemunės keliu palei Nemuną aplankydami pilis, piliakalnius ir vietoves aplink juos. Diena praėjo labai greitai, sakyčiau netgi per greitai :) Kaip be būtu, tai buvo fantastiška diena fotografuojant fantastišką pora, o nuotraukos tegul kalba už save :)
I want to introduce you Alina and Darius's wedding. Alina and Darius are a happy, fascinating, and friendly couple. We travelled allmost all wedding day. We started in Kaunas airport and countinued our trip near the river Nemunas stopping at castles, mounds, and places around them. The day has passed very soon, even too soon :) It was a great day photographing a great couple. Let the pictures talk for themselves.

I want to introduce you Alina and Darius's wedding. Alina and Darius are a happy, fascinating, and friendly couple. We travelled allmost all wedding day. We started in Kaunas airport and countinued our trip near the river Nemunas stopping at castles, mounds, and places around them. The day has passed very soon, even too soon :) It was a great day photographing a great couple. Let the pictures talk for themselves.

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