Suknelių fotosesija
Fotosesija proginių suknelių salono „Hestina“ užsakymu . Suknelių buvo labai daug ir teko skubėti, tad persirengimo kambarys buvo įkaites nuo modelių ir asistenčių šurmulio. Fotosesija užsitęsė ir truko apie 5 valandas be pertraukos, bet visi buvome puikios nuotaikos, laikas lėkte pralėkė, o pasibaigus fotosesijai niekas nesijautė pavargęs. Turiu labai supratingą žmoną, kuri man atleido, kad dėl užsitęsusios fotosesijos turėjo praleisti italų k. kursus. Ji prižiurėjo mūsų 13 mėnesių dukrytę :)
Fashion photo shoots for wedding dress and bridal gown salon "Hestina".
Since there were so many dresses, to shoot all of them we had to hurry up. The dressing room was hot: models, assistants, makeup artist, all had to do their best and work really quickly. We were working for 5 hours without any breaks. But still we were in a great mood, time flew, and at the end of photo shoots no one was feeling tired. I have to admit, I have an excellent wife, she had to miss her Italian classes she is taking in the evenings (she had to take care of our 13 months daughter :))
Since there were so many dresses, to shoot all of them we had to hurry up. The dressing room was hot: models, assistants, makeup artist, all had to do their best and work really quickly. We were working for 5 hours without any breaks. But still we were in a great mood, time flew, and at the end of photo shoots no one was feeling tired. I have to admit, I have an excellent wife, she had to miss her Italian classes she is taking in the evenings (she had to take care of our 13 months daughter :))
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